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 Browse: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

'Cause as I became emasculated
Can you take me aside?
And aiming to select the right tools
So that I might

Dismember the flesh
And cut off the skins
Maybe a busby or something
Maybe a b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b

Skills attained as accolades
Operate in the (?)
Let's all have a massive hug and...
Prove that we can do it

We can totally bone!

You get the plumage and a hydro stitch
It's the gift of myself
So that we might
Survive our clothes

Stand (?) bare
Except for a headdress or something
And we can...

We can totally bone!

'Cause as I became emasculated
Can you take me aside?
Aiming to select the right tools
So that I might

Dismember the flesh
And cut off the skins
Maybe a busby or something
Break me, ohhhhh

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