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Escovedo Alejandro
With These Hands
Sometimes my friend she knocks
Sometimes she just crashes in
She'll tell a joke or two then she waits
Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry I don't hear a thing
Sometimes she just gets bored and leaves

Hey you, won't you come and sit with me
I never promised anything, I just need for you
To slip away with me

I try to read between the lines, she won't say a thing
I climb the walls for a better view
I turn my head and call her name, she won't look my way
I climb the walls for a better view

Hey you, won't you come and drink with me
I haven't broken anything
I just need for you
To slip away with me

Sometimes my friend she knocks
Sometimes she just stumbles in
She'll tell a joke or two then she waits
Sometimes we laugh sometimes we try we don't feel a thing
I climb the walls for a better view

Hey you, won't you come hold on to me
It's not the answer to anything I just need for you
To slip away with me

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