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Malevolent Creation
Carnivorous Misgivings
Taste of blood spurns the life.
Scent of death drives on.
Live for the hunt, to dominate.
It's instinct and desire.

Tooth and talon dig at flesh.
Snapping tendon and bone.
Gorging on the freshly killed.
Triumphant stand alone.

Misgivings of a God that is gone.
Era shut.
Never to rule again.

Live for the hunt dialed in.
Predator above the rest.
Seeking blood, it's only religion.
Alive to kill, wickedly blessed.
No satisfaction in acquiring prey.
Never receives it's fill.
Born for the purpose to constantly slay.
To achieve an infinite kill.

Tooth and talon dig at flesh.
Snapping tendon and bone.
Gorging on the freshly killed.
Triumphant stand alone.

Once walked the world a king.
Nothing could stand before it.
Hostile with a purpose.
Stalking the warm cruor.

Constant hunt taking prey.
Never receives it's fill.
Born with an instinct to slay.
To achieve endless kills.

Power behind imagination.
No throne could garnish it.
Only to fall into extinction.
Natural selection to blame.

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